Leadership Team:

Our leadership team recognizes the authority of God, and realizes that we are shepherds who serve under the Chief Shepherd, Jesus Christ. We desire to devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the Word. Our passion and goal is to equip the believers for the work of the ministry until we all attain maturity in the fullness of Christ.  
Overall, the church leadership team of this Southern Baptist Church in Radcliff, Kentucky is a group of passionate and committed individuals who are dedicated to serving God and their community with excellence and humility. Their focus on spiritual growth, practical leadership, and community engagement make this church a vibrant and welcoming place for everyone seeking to connect with God and with others.
Denver Copeland
Senior Pastor
Pastor Denver has a passion for carefully unpacking the truths of Scripture. He has been in ministry for over 50 years, working as a servant for the Lord while serving God’s people. He became Senior Pastor of Stithton on November 7, 2016. Pastor Copeland served 8 years in Hawaii, 25 years in Alaska and on staff and/or pastor of churches in Colorado, Germany, Nevada and Missouri. He is married to his wife, Debbie, and they have 5 children (2 are in heaven) and 14 grandchildren in 7 different states. He retired from the Air Force, pastoring churches for 18 of the 20 years. Over 25 years ago, God revealed to him he had to get outside the doors of the church building and reach people where they live. Since that time, God has led him to start dozens of ministries in churches to reach the lost. At one church in Nikiski, AK, God led him to write a small book, “No Fishing in the Parking Lot,” about stepping out in faith and reaching out to the community.

Corey McGee 

Worship & Discipleship Pastor

Corey McGee has been serving in a variety of ministries for over 30 years, from a camping ministry in New Mexico to being Senior Pastor at Lighthouse Community Church in Nikiski, Alaska. He has served mainly in the areas of music and pastoring. He grew up in Texas and New Mexico where he has developed a good taste for Mexican food. Corey received his B.S. in Psychology from Angelo State University and his MDIV. at SouthWestern Theological Seminary. He has three awesome boys, Ben, Rykona, and Kyona who keeps him on his toes. Corey has a sincere desire to lead others in worshiping Jesus, having people in his home to study the Word of God and experience life changing growth in Jesus Christ. Corey is a Dallas Cowboys fan and Texas collegiate teams, loves jigsaw puzzles, sports, the great outdoors, and fiddling around with woodworking projects.


John Marshall
Outreach Pastor

Pastor John R. Marshall was born in Warrenton, Virginia on November 1, 1940. He is married to Valeria Childers Marshall. At the age of 8, he confessed and accepted Christ as his personal savior at Little Zion Baptist Church in Greenville, Virginia. John joined Stithton Baptist Church in 1973, and got involved in the choir and bus ministry. On December 9, 1984, he united with New Hope Missionary Baptist Church, where he was ordained as a Deacon on January 19, 1986. He answered the call into the Gospel Ministry and licensed on June 15, 1986. He served as a school teacher and as Youth Minister for several years. In January 1994, he was called to Pastor Solid Rock Baptist Church, Vine Grove, Kentucky and was ordained and installed on February 20, 1994. To learn how to better serve God, and be more effective in his witness, John attends seminars and has taken correspondence course in associate in Biblical studies degree from Moody Bible Institute, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, (Boyce Bible College) Louisville, KY; working toward Master’s Degree in Homiletics at Christian Bible College and Seminary in Missouri. He has been affiliated as a board member with North Hardin Hope, Inc, The United Way, The Justice Department’s Hardin County Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Council, and Kentucky’s Hardin County Youth Advisory Board. Retired police officer (1971-1991), 1989 U.S Marshal’s Training Academy, Glencoe, Georgia, 1990-1992; Southern Baptist Sunday School Board Courses, and many more courses.

Kandice Rice
Next Gen Student Ministries 
Kandice is passionate about reaching kids for Christ. She grew up in Texas and spent 15 years living in Nikiski, Alaska. Kandice has actively been involved in children’s ministry and evangelistic outreach events for 15 years. She and her husband Mike have 6 adult children and 1 granddaughter between them. Their family is spread out between Oklahoma to Alaska and Kentucky. The couple loves to spend time outdoors, play card games, and serve together. They are excited to be part of the mission of reaching the lost for Christ in their community. 
Jenn White
Next Gen Children’s Ministry
Christa Clark
Next Gen Admin
Ashley Carmona

Ashley was born and raised in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. She moved to Fort Knox in May 2010, along with her parents and her two sisters. Ashley met her husband, Jesus, in 2011 while working at a restaurant. They started dating January 2012. Ashley and Jesus got married in June 2016, which they have 3 kids: Amberlynn, Mikayla, and Myles. Ashley and Jesus started going to Stithton in March 2014 and has been active in nursery and other activities with the church. Ashley enjoys spending time with her family and friends.

William Wooden
Ministry Assistant
William is a life-long resident of Hardin
 County and a long-time believer in our community.  As an assistant to ministry at Stithton Baptist Church he assists in all things ranging from custodial to video editing.  
Scott Burns
Susan Onusko
Financial Secretary 
Emma Dub
Custodial Services